Thursday, March 3, 2011

Let's start with a good one!

This is a letter my mom wrote to me when I was at Oakcrest Girls Camp.  I am not sure of the exact date, but it was postmarked June 9, 2003.

Dear Holly,
                How’s it going?  Things are OK here.  It Is just a little bit crowded with the people I let rent your room here, but we’re adjusting.  I told them not to put all 4 kids in your bed, but they insisted they liked to be close.  I was a little concerned about the one boy who wets the bed, but it turns out he slept on top.  I just wish they’d remembered to put a diaper on the baby!  (Sorry- as I always say “It will come out in the wash!”)  The good news is that we found some super glue to glue the porcelain dolls back together.  You can hardly tell they were broken.
                Jen’s been busy.  She was going to clean her room, but decided to just move the clothes to the living room.  It’s a little crowded in there.
                Snoopy is causing us problems.  He’s decided to pierce both of his ears and get s tongue ring!  I’ve put up with him inviting every cat in the neighborhood over for ice cream, taking my checkbook to buy cat toys that he never cleans up and his hogging of the remote control, but to pierce his body parts without checking around for the best price 1st!...Well, that’s the final straw!
                Nothing much else is going on here- oh yeah- I almost forgot.  We won $5,000 of candy and a new Winnebago, so we took a trip around the country and ate ourselves silly.  I hope you aren’t too jealous!  I also made a few personal changes… I got hair extensions (purple!) had a face life, got a Michael Jackson nose job, learned to speak Chinese and tried out for American Idol-Senior Citizen Version! I feel like a new person.
                I love you & miss you.  Jen sends her love.  Snoopy sends something, but with the darn tongue ring I can’t understand a darn thing he says!
See you soon!